Warning! This flexi gift card cannot be used by printing this page. Choose which gift card you want, click on the scratch panel to reveal the code or barcode, and then print that page. Use the Help & FAQ link at the bottom to learn more.

eGift Australia

Your Gift

From: Your Name

Your message will appear here...

This web page is the key to your gift card. Save the link to this web page to keep it safe, and don't share it with anyone.

* When you choose to redeem your egift card by converting part or all of the value into a participating merchant's egift card or voucher, the validity of that portion of your egift card will change to a shorter period. Please pay attention to the expiry periods and dates shown. Learn more...

Terms & Conditions
Treat this electronic gift card (egift card) as cash. Any person who learns the URL of this egift card can use it, therefore it is your responsibility to keep this egift card safe by keeping the URL private. We recommend you keep the original egift card email safe and take all measures necessary to secure your email. Do not open this egift card on a public or shared computer terminal. Lost or stolen egift cards will not be replaced or refunded. Not redeemable for cash. When you choose to redeem your egift card by converting part or all of the value into a participating merchant's egift card or voucher, the validity of that portion of your egift card will change to a shorter period. Please pay attention to the expiry periods and dates shown. Any unused value after the expiry date of any egift card or voucher will not be refunded or credited. When you convert value into a participating merchant's egift card or voucher, the conversion is final and cannot be reversed. Egift cards and vouchers are not reloadable.

Custom Branding

Customise the design of your gift with your own branded header. Fees apply.

Card Design Options

Choose from 12 gift card designs.

Recipients Choose

Recipients can select any combination of gift cards or vouchers, up to the total available balance. However this demo is limited to selecting only one gift card.